Tuesday, November 19, 2013


So much going on... so many changes happening. 
 Changes in seasons, 
changes in the weather, 
changes brewing in the air, 
changes taking place in my body, 
changes in my personal life... 

 I love the amount of rain with which one is gifted here...
so unlike the vast wastelands from where we've come;
with its sporadic showers and aridness.

Rain comes down in buckets-full here; abounding and plentiful... 
 and you see the sky, laden and low with fleecy clouds—
a sorts of bottomless grayness to it; cavernous and frightening, 
yet a dullness full of goodness, and hope and faith... 
 And you feel this awesomeness embracing your soul; romancing your thoughts, 
and there's nothing you can do but feeling impelled to say: 
"be still... be still my soul and know that He is God".

That's what rain and rainy days inspire in me... 
 And all you want to do when you see this rain coming down 
is being home if you're not already there; 
cozy up, 
or do, like I did this afternoon,
 go outside and sit in your wicker chaise just to meditate, 
and contemplate how rain embraces the earth with mirth and goodness...

It is enchanting—rain is. 

 How does rain makes you feel? 
 Does it inspire you to bake? 
 Does it motivate you to cook something special? 
Some hearty chicken stew with butternut squash yumminess, 
or run to the Internet to find that best chili recipe for those cold rainy nights?

      Perhaps rain makes you go find your favorite magazines, or books, 
and cozy up in your favorite spot? 

Or put on your super fluffy pjs and thick socks 

and just be...

Or maybe... 
maybe, if you're anything like me, 
rain makes you feel like taking your shoes off and run outside like a mad woman—
out to the very heart of rain 
and dance across the sky with it...

Rain do has that quality of magic...  at least in me it does...  You?

Rainy days make me go to my blue-carpeted girly room and play; 
change things around, 
search every drawer in the room for those trifling pretty things you so love... 
and just be happy!

I hope you had a beautiful day today... rain or sunshine!


  1. This summer I got tired of all the rain we had. We usually have hot dry summers. But then I realized I should be thankful for those rainy days. 2 years ago we put a metal roof on our home and I love to hear the sound of the rain on the roof. I love it when we have a rainy day in the fall or winter and get a stack of my magazines and a book and just have time to read and day dream. Rainy cool days are the perfect time for books and a pot of soup or chili.

  2. I love rain. Your photos are beautiful! Nice to see you.

  3. I love rainy days, the freshness... and fluffy socks! It is nice to see you again, enjoy your new adventure!
